Search Results: traffic (3855)

Business News driving test

A business chief has fired a broadside at Warrington Council’s proposed town centre highway improvements, which are currently out for consultation, believing the proposals will do nothing to improve traffic flow.

News Birchwood Way

HIGHWAY engineers at Warrington Council are warning of possible traffic delays as congestion-busting improvements along Birchwood’s A574 corridor near completion in the New Year.


TODAY – “Black Friday” – could see major traffic congestion in Warrington and police are urging car-borne shoppers looking for bargains to be patient and behave sensibly.

News driving test

WARRINGTON Borough Council is advising motorist to continue to check travel information and allow extra time for their journeys as emergency motorway repairs continue to threaten traffic chaos into next week.

News driving test

SPECIAL measures are being put in place by Warrington Borough Council in a bid to help ease the traffic congestions which has been causing chaos in the borough this week.

Frodsham Life

TRAFFIC was heavier than usual in Warrington and elsewhere this morning as motorists appeared to be trying to avoid the M56 – even though the motorway had been re-opened following yesterday’s incident when a tanker lorry overturned near Helsby.


ROAD works on Knutsford Road, Warrington, are causing lengthy traffic delays, especially for motorists travelling in from the south of the town.

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