Top Featured News in Warrington
A Warrington man, who admitted sexually assaulting a young woman near a train station, has been warned he faces a prison sentence.
POLICE are appealing for witnesses and video footage following a serious road crash in Warrington.
A ward for adults with learning disabilities at Hollins Park Hospital in Warrington was closed after an anonymous whistleblower flagged patient safety concerns.
INDEPENDENT Councillor Neil Johnson has hit out at Warrington Borough Council over their refusal to enter discussions with the landlords over the future of the CPS Centre.
THE mother and boyfriend of 23-year-old Warrington woman Lucy Harrison, who died following a shooting incident at her father’s home in America, have paid tribute to her.
A dad-of-seven from Warrington attacked his partner in front of their children after a row about feeding their baby.
A fire safety report on the CPS Shopping Centre at Culcheth, where village traders have been given a 28 day eviction notice by their landlord on health and safety grounds, says the premises could remain occupied and operational while works were carried out.
A jealous, manipulative controlling boyfriend repeatedly threatened and assaulted his mother-of-four partner leaving her living in fear at her Warrington home.
A sexual predator has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and attempted rape of two women in Warrington.
VIDEO: VILLAGE traders and local politicians have spoken of their shock and dismay following the sudden closure notice on the CPS Shopping Centre at Culcheth, Warrington, giving them just 28 days to vacate the premises.