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Warrington News

Explore our news archive for past reports and stories from Warrington, including local events, politics, sports, and community highlights.

0 Wednesday 17th May 2006
Hospital ‘phone charges”extortionate” – watchdog by David Skentelbery CALL charges for hospital bedside phones are ?extortionate? according to a Warrington-based… Read More Read More
0 Wednesday 17th May 2006
The men and women whoare dying for a drink by David Skentelbery WARRINGTON people suffer from more drink related illnesses… Read More Read More
0 Monday 15th May 2006
Residents’ anger overnew school plan by Lesley Wilkinson ANGRY residents are up in arms over suggestions that a new school… Read More Read More
0 Friday 12th May 2006
Liberal Democrat-Toryalliance to take control by David Skentelbery A LIBERAL Democrat-Tory partnership is to take control of Warrington Borough Council… Read More Read More
0 Thursday 11th May 2006
“Hung” council willhave a new leader by David Skentelbery WARRINGTON Borough Council is to have a new leader ? whichever… Read More Read More
0 Thursday 11th May 2006
NEWS FLASH LIBERAL Democrat and Conservative councillors at Warrington have reached an agreement to form a partnership to wrest control… Read More Read More
0 Wednesday 10th May 2006
Free mobile phones fordomestic violence victims by Terry Johnson POLICE are to hand out mobile ‘phones to victims of domestic… Read More Read More
0 Tuesday 9th May 2006
Voting begins in mostcrucial election for years by David Skentelbery VOTERS are going to the polls in Warrington today (Thursday)… Read More Read More