Browsing: Opinion

0 Town relies on rail – MP
WARRINGTON South MP David Mowat has added his support to a Parliamentary motion highlighting the extent to which British businesses and the economy rely on rail. Read More
0 Disappointing? Or downright lazy?
A REPORT to Warrington Borough Council’s Economy and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee says the response rate to a consultation on proposals to sell 13 pieces of land, estimated value more than £1 million, was disappointing in some areas. Read More
0 Common sense not politics!
THE elections have been and gone and we have a new coalition Government nationally with the Tories and Lib Dems in power, while locally Labour made some surprise gains, making them the largest political party at the town hall. Read More
0 Has town been harshly judged?
THE 83 per cent of Warrington people who, as part of a survey,  recently said they were happy living in the borough, could be forgiven for wondering perhaps they were too easy to please. Read More
0 Rewarding our unsung heroes
I was honoured to be a guest at the Cheshire Police Northern Awards evening held in Warrington when veteran comedian Ken Dodd was on hand to present various commenda­tions to deserving officers and members of the public. Read More
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