Browsing: Technology


Online shopping has put the world at our fingertips. From groceries to gadgets and everything in-between, we’re able to get whatever we want and need at the click of a button.


Even if your company doesn’t work in software development you’ve probably heard buzzwords like Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning and if you are a programmer you know about the ever-rising popularity of languages like python and JavaScript and how all these technologies are set to change our world in the years to come.


We are quite sure you’d agree that this has been a rough year. Physically, emotionally and financially exhausting. But despite everything, Christmas is coming up and we have a good reason to pick ourselves up and add a little holiday sparkle into our lives.


It can feel pretty painful when the dial barely moves on your website visitor count. This is common when your website has just launched, as even with the best efforts it takes time to build an audience. 

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