Author Hannah Skentelbery


Along with the development of the digital world, cybersecurity has also evolved and it has put the online world on high alert. The previous cybersecurity threats have evolved into more sophisticated cyber attacks to threaten individuals, governments and corporations.

Life Style

Now that Covid-19 isn’t something we need worry ourselves too much about, the time is ripe for a house party that brings everyone together, and shows everyone the meaning of a good time! Such a thing requires a select few ingredients, combined in just the right way.


Following the lifting of travel restrictions, the Sultanate of Oman has seen an increase in the number of visitors from around the world. This is evident by the dramatic rise in the number of visitors from other countries staying in the country’s hotels.


It’s every holidaymaker’s worst nightmare. You’ve had that trip booked for months, looking forward to it has been getting you through the day-to-day, you’ve spent ages planning, preparing and packing. And then wham, disaster of one sort or another strikes.

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