Author Gary Skentelbery

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


A MINISTRY of Justice plan to move thousands of civil service jobs out

of London offers a real opportunity to Warrington, Town Hall chiefs



FAMILIES across Warrington have the chance to get fit and explore

nature this spring thanks to a festival of guided woodland walks coming

to the borough throughout May.


A CONCERT is to be given at Lymm Baptist Church on July 4 by an internationally known gospel choir,


THE first ever ‘Warrington Food Festival’ takes place this Thursday

(April 30) and a whole range of cuisine and culinary expertise will be

celebrated around the town centre.


A 33-year-old Warrington man has been charged with two offences of

grievous bodily harm following an attack on a 55-year-old man in the

early hours of Saturday morning.


AFTER the weekend’s news that there will be no Titan Prison on the

giant Omega development site at Warrington, it now also seems highly

unlikely that an incinerator will be built there either.

3.50pm: Breaking news:  Justice Secretary Jack Straw, speaking in the House of Commons, today specifically ruled out Warrington as the location of any kind of new prison for the North West.


A CHINESE takeaway in Warrington town centre has been fined £1,400 and

ordered to pay £400 costs after being convicted of repeatedly trading

beyond their licensed hours.