Wednesday 9th August 2006


Town faces smoke
free future

by Gary Skentelbery

STEPS are being taken by Warrington council to help ensure a smoke free future for the town – with the outlawing of smoking in the workplace and enclosed public places.
The council is backing the Government’s proposals to introduce Smoke Free Legislation which will effect most workplaces and enclosed public places when it is due to come in to force in summer 2007.
The legislation is being fully supported by the Council’s Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Warrington Primary Care Trust.
Trading Standards and Environmental Health Officers will be helping to implement the changes in the town and has already offered advice sessions to business affected – all with the aim of protecting people from the harmful effects of smoking and second hand smoke.
The medical and scientific evidence of the risks to health from exposure to second hand smoke is well established and a recent survey carried out nationally showed strong support for the restrictions on smoking in the workplace and enclosed public places.
Coun Roy Smith, Executive Board Member for Community Services, said: “This Government initiative demonstrates its determination to reduce the risks to health from exposure to second hand smoke.
“Through the inclusion of smoke free provisions within this Health Bill, virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces will be smoke free. This will help to save thousands of lives over the next decade by reducing both exposure to hazardous second hand smoke and overall smoking rates”.
Head of Trading Standards Food Health & Safety in Warrington Peter Astley added: “These measures will protect every one from the harmful effects of second hand smoke when out at work or leisure, as well as providing smokers with a supportive environment where it is easier to give up”.
It is well documented that 7 out of 10 people choose not to smoke and this proposed legislation will take account of the choice of the majority of people who want to have clean smoke-free air.
Warrington’s Director of Public Health Rita Robertson also commented that the legislation wiould protect some of the most vulnerable people in society, such as low paid workers. It is an important strand in Warrington’s plan to improve the health of the population.
The consultation on proposed smoke free regulations in workplaces and enclosed public places under the Health Bill is to last three months.

Rowers embark on
sea challenge

by Lesley Wilkinson

FIVE rowing enthusiasts from Warrington Rowing Club are taking part in a charity challenge this weekend when they row 14 sea miles from Jersey to France.
The team hope to raise ?5,000 to be divided between Warrington Rowing Club, towards a new racing boat, and Kabuki Syndrome Research in memory of a Lymm girl who died after suffering from the condition.
Ann Scales, of Lymm, and her family and friends, raise money for research into the medical condition in memory of her daughter Hannah Scales.
Hannah was born with the genetic condition which meant she had to be fed through a tube in her stomach and tragically died after contracting a rare strain of meningitis.
Team members taking part are Graham McLean, David Holmes and Martin Bury, all of Lymm, Mark Earlam and Sian Henrys.
The team start the challenge today Saturday (August 5.)
Ann said: “It is a fantastic effort and I wish them the best of luck – and good weather!”

Garden centre will have
first opening glass roof

by John Hendon

WARRINGTON?S biggest garden centre is to get bigger ? and better.
Bents Garden Centre at Glazebury is undergoing a major re-development which will give it the UK?s first fully opening glass roof ? and an extra 5,000 square metres of undercover plant selling space.
The innovative ?open skies? feature will enable customers to shop for outdoor plants in comford ? whatever the weather.
Bents, which currently holds the award for ?Best Garden Centre in the UK? should open its new building next year ? the company?s 70th anniversary year.
Manager director Matthew Bent said: : “We have been planning our new development for a very long time so it is great to see things actually starting to happen.
“We are delighted to have been acknowledged as the 2006 best garden centre in the UK, but such a success doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels.
An expanded food hall will improve the current range of products, selling a wide range of specialist and local produce, while further improvements will also be made to the award winning Fresh Approach Restaurant. A new children’s department, stylish outdoor clothing range and an improved interior furniture collection are also being planned.
Mr Bent added: : “This is a very exciting time for us.?

“Failure” lands First
Class Honours degree

by staff reporter

A WARRINGTON student who left secondary school with eight D grades and one E grade at GCSE is celebrating after landing a First Class Honours Degree at the University of Glamorgan.
Justin Anson, from Appleton, a former Priestley College student, obtained his degree in purchasing and supply chain management.
He studied Intermediate and AVCE Business as well as A-Level Law while at the Loushers Lane College and left in 2002 to begin his degree studies.
Now he is employed as a purchaser by BCB International, who supply survival equipment such as body armour, medical kits and rations to the armed forces.
During his degree course Justin was also able to complete a work placement within the automotive industry at GATE UK.
A Priestley College spokesman said: ?Justin’s success is nothing short of sensational, having originally left secondary school with eight D grades and one E grade in his GCSEs. His is a fine example of what can be achieved against adversity.?
Justin said: “Having left school with not the best GCSE results, I feel I owe a lot to Priestley for their help in building my confidence and setting me back on track.”

Children to take part
in mini-Olympics

by Terry Johnson

FIFTY gifted school children are to take part in a “green shoots” Olympics at Warrington.
The 10-12-year-olds are drawn from primary and secondary schools across the borough.
They will focus on sport and modern languages in a seven-day mini-Olympics event aimed at developing the talents of ‘gifted’ youngsters and their thirst for knowledge.
Michael Scott, director of the summer challenge, said: “The students will develop teamwork skills through a variety of techniques not commonly found in school lessons.
“They also get to graduate in style with a ceremony at the end of the mini-Olympics”.
The stretching event will explore innovative ways of learning – from EU stereotypes to Picasso-style self portraits, trampolining techniques to a junior Olympics.
Lymm High School teachers have given up part of their summer holiday to coach and support the students.

Clean Team set
to go out again

by staff reporter

THE Warrington Clean Team ? the litter-picking group set up by borough councillor Trudi Wood ? will be out and about again on Sunday, August 13.
This time they plan a blitz in Appleton ? in particular The Dingle and the Millennium Green.
On its last outing, the team collected 13 bags of litter from the area around The Trigger Pond pub at Great Sankey ? working in temperatures up to 30C Coun Wood said: ?This area suffers a lot from what I call ?car litter? ? a wide and varied mix of items that appear to have been thrown out of car windows.
?Many, many profound thanks go out to those who picked that day in very harsh conditions especially when cold beer under a sun shade was so temptingly close!?
The team recently suffered a funding setback when the Warrington Charities Trust refused to award them a grant. But Coun Wood sai

d they would ?keep on trying? for more funding.

News in brief

Disabled parking
WARRINGTON Borough Council has made an order introducing four disabled person’s parking places in Longshaw Street, Leonard Street and Orchard Street. Anyone who wishes to object must apply to the High Court within six weeks of July 26.

Sewer connection
WORK has started on a sewer connections in Marsh House Lane, Warrington, requiring the temporary closure of the road for about three weeks. Alternative route have been signposted.

Lighting approved
PLANNING chiefs have given the go-ahead for lighting on the new car park at Grappenhall Village Sports Club, in Stockton Lane, Grappenhall.

Office development
PROPOSALS for 23 two-storey office buildings, with 472 parking spaces, on land to the north east of Woolston Grange Avenue, Birchwood, Warrington have been submitted to the borough council.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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