A new £1.5m midwife-led birth centre at Warrington Hospital is nearing completion with plans for the first births there in the autumn.
The new Birth Centre will be an addition to the Trust’s existing maternity services which currently include an alongside midwife-led unit, community midwife-supported home birthing and obstetric-led care for women who require additional support from a multi-disciplinary team.
Every aspect of the design has been carefully planned in partnership with new and expectant mums and midwives. The additional complementary services aromatherapy, acupuncture and massage area will promote a feeling of calm and relaxation.
The four new birthing rooms will be offering a home from home experience creating a welcoming and comfortable ambience. Focusing around state-of-the-art birthing pools, the birthing suites will feature sofas, birthing cubes, cushions and wall art with mood lighting; music and candles creating a relaxed, peaceful and calm experience. This investment has allowed us to redevelop our offering for all mums to be including complex cases who will also experience their maternity care and labour in a more homely environment.
Midwife and antenatal appointments will also be held at the new Centre and women can choose this option instead of being seen at their nearest GP practice and Sure Start centre.
Following birth, a new post-natal suite will enable partners to stay overnight in comfortable surroundings with their new family in ensuite rooms. Contemporary cots, side tables, changing tables, soft lighting and luxurious bedding will make this room feel like a ‘special home from home’.
Maternity Matron Tracy Thomas and Maternity Integrated Care Manager Claire Braithwaite are really looking forward to opening the centre.
“The new birth centre provides an exciting opportunity to deliver care for some of our ladies who choose to birth their baby in a low risk environment. Providing continuity of care across all areas including antenatal and the postnatal period, it will undoubtedly enhance the experience for our ladies and their families.
“We are so pleased and proud to be able to offer this option to women and their families. Giving birth in a relaxed calm environment where intervention is reduced is the foundation of a healthy start in life.”