War of words on Agency future


A WAR of words broke out in Warrington after Lord Mandelson accused the Tories of plans to scrap the North West Development Agency during a keynote speech in the region.
In his talk about the Government’s investment plans at Manchester University, the business secretary promised the NWDA would become a key channel for investing in Warrington’s industrial capabilities under a future Labour Government.
He said: “The Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) have been a huge success. For every pound they invest, the RDAs produce more than four pounds in growth.
“They’ve trained almost half a million people and secured or created more than three quarters of a million jobs over the last ten years. That is too good a record for any government – or opposition – to dismiss.”
“We have put them at the centre of our plans for a more active approach to investing in our industrial capacity in Britain.”
“We want to make them one of the key channels we use for investing in industrial capabilities like the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus, and MediaCity and the National Skills Academy for Nuclear in Cumbria.”
But he said Conservative party policy was unclear on RDAs and accused them of planning to scrap the NWDA along with other regional development agencies (RDAs) and create new local enterprise partnerships, controlled by business and councils.
He said: “The London Development Agency will be spared, but Kenneth Clarke has committed to scrapping all the other RDAs, replacing them with a pick and mix policy that would give a scattering of local authorities the illusion of a regional role, but without the focus, machinery, specialist staff or resources that they need to play such a role.”
His speech sparked a war of words between prospective MPs for the Warrington South seat –David Mowat for Conservatives and Nick Bent for Labour.
Nick Bent (pictured left) said: “The NWDA has been good for the North West and very good for Warrington, and employs 500 people in South Warrington.
“Scrapping it would just undermine the economic recovery and put people’s jobs and homes at risk. The Tories are a shambles on the number one concern of local voters.”
David Mowat (pictured right) hit back when he said: “It would have been more appropriate for the Secretary of State to apologise for what he and his Government have done to our local economy over the last two years, but if he wants to spend his time attacking the opposition he should get his facts straight.
“Conservative Policy is clear. We will insist that the RDA’s are operationally efficient and that they provide the support that business in the North West needs.
“Provided business and local authority support exists they will be retained in a streamlined structure which is accountable to local people.
“Labour just don’t get localism. Devolving down power and funding does not cut support, it makes it more responsive and accountable.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Tories of plans to scrap the North West Development Agency.

    It’s common sense, these regional development agencies are not required, they just spend other government departments money. The finances should go straight to the source and not through a third party, eg NWDA, who then in their wisdom decides who gets the money/investment.

  2. Does anyone listen to what these people say anymore?

    Nick Bent would do better to learn about Warrington and the people before shouting the odds.

    Mandy Pandy shouldn’t even be in office after his track record.

  3. We need the NWDA to provide balance. Lots of small quangos all giving out funding means duplications and lots of wheel reinventing. The NWDA have that overview so essential in local funding, and can see where projects and initiatives can link and how funding streams can spread across the whole spectrum of needs.

  4. It’s very simple, if it represents good value for money for taxpayers and delivers an efficient and effective service, I have no doubt that it will be retained.

  5. The NWDA’s grand ideas for the future of Warrington might not be that popular with the people of Warrington! When the regeneration funds were allocated West Cheshire and Chester opted for tourism, Warrington council opted for chemical and nuclear.

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