A handbag is an important part of a woman’s outfit. It’s the sherry on the top when it comes to making a look put together.
Most women consider handbags a fashion statement that can either make or break a look. The evolution of the handbags has come a long way from what it used to be. Back in the day, bags were for their primary function of transporting one’s possession from place to place. Nowadays, they act as more of a style expression to the fashionable.
As the world is moving towards minimalism in most aspects, handbags are also taking the heed. Most women are guilty of overstuffing their handbags with many unnecessary things. This makes the bag heavy and causes a lot of strain to the shoulders and back. It’s from this fact that fashionistas have greatly gravitated towards the pouch bag as their everyday handbag.
The pouch is a simple and small bag that is loved by many for its flexible, freeing and elegant nature. This bag comes in a variety of designs, sizes and colors. The Bottega Veneta pouch bag is every woman’s current favorite and can be carried for a day-to-night routine. Below are some benefits as to why most women are quick to choose the pouch handbag over the other bags;
If you want to stand out from the crowd, then carry a designer pouch bag with a gold chain. Women are known to always go for the most convenient style rather than experiment on other designs. A classy leather pouch adds some sprinkle of fun to everyday outfits.
Designer brands have come up with edgy designed pouches that have a modern feel to them. The pouch doesn’t always have to be rectangular but can come in different shapes which are the perfect addition to a boring outfit.
A pouch bag is easy to wear; you just grab and go without any fuss. This bag can either be held on the hand or carried under the arm. The bag doesn’t have a lot of components or different parts hanging from the bag.
The design of the pouch bag makes it practically impossible to carry the junk in it. The bag forces the user to only select the items that they need most during the day. This comes as a huge relief to the body from heavy bags that are detrimental to the back and shoulders.
When it comes to wearing the pouch handbags with your outfits, there are several aspects that you should take into account;
As with clothes, your handbags need to accentuate your best features while drawing away attention from the parts that you don’t like. It’s all about choosing the right size of a pouch bag in relation to your body. For example, ladies with curvier bodies ought to go for a mini pouch with a sling as they will make the body appear slimmer and taller in person. A petite body should go for a large pouch that will place most of the attention on the bag.
The rule of thumb when it comes to wearing a pouch bag is to match the occasion. Whether you are running some errands around town, attending a gala dinner or simply going shopping, you need a bag that suits that particular event. Larger pouch bags are great for casual settings whereas formal events will call for small elegant pouch bags.
Gone are the days when women needed to match their handbags to their belts and shoes. While there is nothing wrong with having a theme color for your look, it doesn’t hurt to experiment and see what colors match or complement each other. Monochrome bags go great with well articulated outfits while bright colored pouches would be great with solid colored outfits.