EXTINCTION Rebellion Warrington (XR Warrington) plan to creatively deliver a letter to Warrington South MP Andy Carter’s office this Thursday (June 25) at 2pm as part a coordinated national campaign.
Their action coincides with the publication of the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) latest report that highlights that the government’s actions fall way short of what is necessary to meet its own legally-binding obligation to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Observing social distancing guidelines, and wearing face masks and gloves, a small group of six rebels will ask Andy Carter MP to Tell The Truth by publicly declaring to his constituents and to the government that the current target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050 is too late and will lead to the death of millions.
“By failing to act decisively and follow the science during the early phase of the coronavirus pandemic, the government has contributed to the excess deaths we see across the country,” says XR Warrington spokesperson, Paul. “We hope they have learnt their lesson, that inaction equals death, and failure to follow the science will ultimately lead us into disaster.”
The action also aims to highlight the fact that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is now the highest it has ever been during human civilisation. The science is clear: If we go above 1.5°C warming we will set off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control, pushing climate systems further into chaos and devastating lives. On this issue government inaction equals death.
If people wish to observe the action, XR Warrington would remind them to wear masks and gloves as public safety, from all threats, is of paramount importance to the group. More information about the action is available via the groups facebook page, @XRWarrington.
The full text of the letter is below.
Dear Andrew Carter MP,
We applaud the Conservative government’s continued pledge to follow the science regarding the coronavirus and its deadly spread, but we are appalled that they are refusing to follow the science on the far deadlier threat of climate change.
Government inaction is criminal. Today’s report from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) highlights that the government’s actions fall way short of what is necessary to meet its own legally-binding obligation to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Last year, The CCC reported that only one of their 25 recommended headline policy actions had been delivered in full. The government will launch a recovery plan in early July, and is due to submit its pledge at COP26 next year. We implore you to show leadership, to act decisively and not to let the lessons learned from the current COVID-19 crisis go to waste.
We need you to Tell The Truth by publicly declaring to your constituents and to the government that the current target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050 is too late and will lead to the death of millions.
Government inaction is an existential threat to civilisation. The world is heating and the breakdown of our climate has begun. Extreme weather events are having devastating impacts on agriculture and destroying homes, costing taxpayers billions and leaving millions of people in need of humanitarian aid. Rising temperatures, rising sea levels and droughts will render vast tracts of land uninhabitable through flooding and desertification, putting food supplies at risk. Society will move into civil unrest and ultimately war, raising the terrifying possibility of societal collapse.
We are standing at an intersection of crises. All are symptoms of a toxic system built upon an economy dependent on
indefinite growth, extreme inequality and racial oppression. It is grossly unjust that the poorest people in the world, those that have contributed the least to the atmospheric carbon that is causing climate change, will be the ones to suffer the most from climate breakdown. All are symptoms of a government which fails to listen to the science, fails to protect the future and fails to trust the people.
Government inaction equals death. The science is clear: If we go above 1.5°C warming we will set off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control, pushing climate systems further into chaos and devastating lives. A target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 gives us terrifyingly low odds of limiting heating to 1.5०C. 2050 is too late.
Please listen now.
We need you to Tell The Truth by publicly declaring to your constituents and to the government that the current target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 is too late and will lead to the death of millions.
We need you to Act Now to take immediate preventative action to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
We need you to go Beyond Party Politics by initiating a fair and representative Citizens Assembly with real decision making power, on climate and ecological justice.
Your inaction is a betrayal of those you have been elected to protect. We call on you to do your duty and take action on behalf of life.
We act in peace, with ferocious love in our hearts. We act on behalf of life.
Extinction Rebellion
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