Protecting lives and maintaining livelihoods during COVID-19 crisis


by Stephen Fitzsimons

NORMALLY I would be highlighting the great things to do in Warrington as a wonderfully warm spring encourages us to take full advantage of what’s on offer – but the two biggest challenges have been protecting lives and maintaining livelihoods.

However, we now know that “normal” is something that may not return for some time. Most people are stuck at home, trying to work remotely whilst keeping the kids engaged and this can be very difficult. However, the two biggest challenges for us at Warrington & Co and the wider Council are to protect lives and maintain livelihoods. We have been operating a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) distribution centre at Irwell Road to ensure that none of our front line care workers are at risk from the virus. It’s been really humbling seeing my colleagues go out into the community every day, looking after the sick and the vulnerable as they always have done. I hope that when all this is over, we continue to appreciate their selfless efforts and that this is reflected in both the remuneration and respect they receive from society as a whole.
We have also been trying to assist local companies respond to the lock down and there are over 7,000 registered in Warrington. I studied Economics for 7 years and have been working in Economic Development for nearly 20. There is nothing in the text books that prepares us for this unprecedented international shock. Whilst the government’s £330 billion aid package has been most welcome, there are still too many businesses without support. This includes tenants who do not pay their business rates themselves and the self-employed who take a dividend rather than a regular salary. We and others across the country continue to lobby government to secure an amendment. However, there is no escaping the fact that not all of our local businesses will be able to survive a prolonged period of inactivity and we’ve already seen Debenhams announce the closure of its Golden Square store. Retailers will need our loyalty more than ever when they do re-open and we will work with the Business Improvement District to establish safe ways to shop. Looking at my dishevelled colleagues on our video calls, the hairdressers will be very busy when they can open their doors again!

It may be tough and it may be distressing, however the actions of local companies and individuals have been shining a light through this darkness. There are too many to mention, although I would say that we would have run out of PPE last month had it not been for the generous donations of local companies. The schools and colleges gave their safety goggles and we have had local people using 3d printers to make safety visors – very 21st century! A personal highlight was arriving at Irwell Road to receive an early morning gift of 2,000 Easter eggs for the local care homes and children’s centres. Similarly, the food bank at Fearnhead has received welcome donations of provisions and volunteers to ensure that those in isolation can avoid a risky trip to the supermarket.
These may be troubling times, however this often brings out the best of humanity. We’ve seen this time and time again as Warringtonians have stepped forward to help get us through this once in a generation phenomenon. Politicians like to suggest that we come out of recessions and other major challenges stronger than before, however we know this is not true for the Coronavirus. It will take a long time for the social and economic scars to heal, however Warrington is better placed than most to begin the recovery.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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