£7.5 million modernisation scheme for electricity network


A £7.5 million project to modernise key parts of the electricity network that serves more than 80,000 properties across Warrington and district has been completed.
SP Energy Networks has finished the scheme for which planning started in 2018 and which has involved the refurbishment of more than 16km of 132,000 volt overhead lines, and the replacement of steel towers.
Whilst the project team took special precautions to minimise the impact of its work across the route, one particular site presented a unique challenge.
A helicopter was deployed to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) that contains rare plant species such as Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam. The helicopter was used to remove the existing steel tower then lower its replacement into position, to minimise the effect on the surrounding environment.
The overhead line was originally constructed in 1933 and, whilst it has benefited from regular maintenance and refurbishment, this project represents the single largest upgrade since that time. The project will benefit more than 80,000 homes and businesses.
Mark Sobczak, head of 132kV Programmes at SP Energy Networks, said: “We are committed to maintaining and improving the electrical infrastructure across Cheshire. The investment in Warrington and its surrounding areas demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering strong network resilience to our customers, particularly as we transition towards a low carbon economy and see the continued introduction of electric vehicles.”
For more information about SP Energy Networks and its services, visit: spenergynetworks.co.uk


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