Pink Ladies fear council vendetta


THE owners of Warrington’s controversial cab company Pink Ladies, launched with the help of former Atomic Kitten and Queen of the Jungle Kerry Katona, fear they are being victimised by Warrington Council after receiving a Government backed licence to keep their business on the road.
Pink Ladies have received a Section 19 permit from the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA), which provides a range of licensing, testing and enforcement services to help ensure roadworthiness standards.
But co-owners Andrea Winders and Tina Dutton fear there is still a council vendetta against them, claiming council inspectors are now querying the validity of the registration.
Earlier this year Warrington borough council brought a successful case against the owners when the town’s magistrates upheld the council’s claim that they were operating an unlicensed private hire company. They were ordered to pay more than £5,000 in fines and costs.
The two founders and owners were both found guilty of not holding a private hire operator’s licence; operating (at least) two unlicensed private hire vehicles; and employing a driver who did not hold a private hire driver’s licence.
Andrea said: “Since the inception of Pink Ladies we have always known that the service was different to taxis and have been searching for a way to trade within the law that suited the organisation and would give the potential to have a national, roll-out with one standard.
“We have always been a members club, and it is the club that has been granted the section 19 permit, to transport its members, and complies with several of the required elements. This means that we are under the control of VOSA, and must adhere to strict vehicle checks, including daily inspections and 10-weekly “MOT-style” servicing.
“We have over 15,000 female members in Warrington, including all ages and abilities, and it has been the members that have been most affected by the council’s legal action.
Some of our most vulnerable and isolated women have had funding for Pink Ladies withdrawn by the council, and many others have telephoned in tears each time a report is in the news, fearing that the service will be stopped.
“The frustration and stress that this case has put on the company, its employees and directors is immeasurable, and the cost to the public of the council’s action against Pink Ladies now stands at over £28,000 to date, not including the internal council costs of officers and solicitors, all for a service that was acknowledged by council representatives as being “laudable”.
Andrea said that in licensing with VOSA, after extensive research, Pink Ladies hoped that a line could be drawn under the whole dreadful saga, but claims the council is determined to “cause trouble” with officials apparently now checking the validity of their registration with VOSA.
“Where is it all going to end? How much more of the public’s money is going to be spent trying to close a service that is needed in the town?
“Personally I feel victimised, as if there is a vendetta against Pink Ladies.
“However, in summary, we are pleased that we have found a section in which we fit, and look forward to continuing well into the future. Let’s hope the council sees sense now, and starts to work with Pink Ladies.”
A spokesperson for the council said: “We are currently in dialogue with Pink Ladies Members Club regarding their recent announcement that they are now a community transport provider operating a ‘not for profit’ company. We are pleased that they are now operating within transport legislation and are now subject to a independent regulatory regime that is designed to safeguard the interests of their passengers.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. It’s alright Pink Ladies carping on about the Council, but if they had conformed to the change in legislation then the Council would not have had to have spent taxpayers’ money in the first place. Maybe they should reimburse the Council. They should stop acting like victims and work with the Council. Readers should note that Pink Ladies are in business to make money for those who have set it up and therefore they will be doing their utmost to protect their interests. I also assume that once they have established a viable business model they will be selling franchises elsewhere, as in fact they tried to do some years ago.

  2. Come on Pinks owners….. It’s hardly a vendetta just becasue the council are querying the validity of the new registration etc. Of course they would especially considering they brought a successful court case against you some months ago and the issue of your licencing has been going on for what seems like years. …………………………….

    I was pleased to read that PL’s have now sorted out their troubles but WHY are you now whinging on about vendettas, victimisation, stress and council trouble makers……… And to bleat on about £28k of takpayers money being wasted by the council is ridiculous. Like already said above it’s not the councils fault that the company was taken to court or chose to trade outside of the rules IS IT !! Please don’t start whinging about a situation that you brought on yourselves and could have resolved a lot sooner by the sounds of it 🙁

    However, I do wish Pink Ladies well with their new community project and I hope that many local charities benefit greatly from the money the company raises through it’s membership scheme.

  3. If they were such a reputable company as they would have us believe and profit is not their main aim why don’t they just pay the licence fees, instead of searching for loopholes in the law to enable them to gain an unfair advantage over the other taxi companies.

  4. I cant belive that they are going on about £28k of council money when they owe much more than that to innocent people when they went bust trying to franchise PL.

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