180 new homes held up by planning chiefs


PLANS for 180 new homes at Appleton have been held up following objections from local councillors and nearby residents.
Warrington’s development management committee has deferred a decision on a reserved matters application by Barratt Homes for the properties at Pewterspear Green Road.
Appleton and Stretton parish councils had objected to the proposals, along with 14 residents.
The Pewterspear Green Trust has also expressed concern.
Main objections are on the grounds of inadequate road and supporting infrastructure and lack of green space and changes to commitments made by the developers when outline planning consent was given.
The 7.54 hectare site currently consists of open fields between Pewterspear Green Road, Henbury Gardens and Stretton Road and consists of two parcels of land divided by a footpath/cycleway and a partially culverted watercourse.
It is not in the Green Belt and was acquired by the Commission for New Towns for housing in 1981. Outline permission was granted two years ago.
Planning officers say the changes proposed are acceptable and are recommending the detailed plans be approved.


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