Mum launches online magazine – for mums


A MOTHER-of-two from Thelwall has launched an online magazine dedicated to the emotional and physical wellbeing of mums across Warrington.
Dawn Jackson has launched the magazine “Rehab for Mums” in support of the third annual Post-Natal Depression Awareness Week, from Monday September 3 to Sunday September 9.
The concept for the magazine, which claims to be the first of its kind, came to Dawn when she googled “best magazines for mums” and was horrified at the page one results. Glaring from the screen was the instruction to “relax and unwind” with a reading list that was all about either parenting, cooking or housekeeping but nothing about her as a person.
Dawn said: “What I want to share is information about how mums can implement simple self-care in their daily lives, and that ultimately means that they can better take care of others too.
“Self-care is not simply about bubble baths and chocolate! I want to help mums manage their tiredness, increase their energy and get better emotional balance. I want to support mums to become a healthier version of themselves – nourishing their body and mind. I want to provide a platform to connect women in a similar life stage.
“When new mums neglect themselves it can lead to post-natal depression – I hear about it from many of my clients, and I want to stop it getting to that stage by showing women simple techniques and tips”.
Post-natal depression (PND) is said to affect three in 10 mothers, although it goes largely unreported. Symptoms can show up as feeling low, loneliness and guilt, constant exhaustion, anxiety, inability to cope, relationship problems, crying for no reason and sleep problems. This can be long-lasting and sometimes interfere with day-to-day life up to and over a year after their babies are born.
Mums can subscribe to the magazine for free at and Dawn already has a group of expert contributors joining forces with the project, offering free MP3 relaxations, eBooks and how-to guides to members. Anyone with something to contribute to the magazine can email [email protected].


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