Winwick Carnival dodges the rain


WINWICK CARNIVAL enjoyed cloudy but dry weather as the local community turned out for a day of fun and entertainment.

Now in its 19th year the annual Winwick Carnival has grown over time and this year boasted a fun fair provided by Carousel Funfairs, a large event arena where the public were royally entertained by the Vale Royal Falconry display who also showed many birds of prey at their stall and provided information and a chance to get up close to these beautiful creatures.

The BMX extreme riders of Action Sports Tour performed some terrifying gravity defying stunts including 360degree spins, backflips and somersaults and Warrington’s very own Legends Dance Academy put on a superb exhibition. The whole show was wonderfully compered by John Edgar public address services.

There was also a collection of vintage cars to explore and local children’s book illustrator Douglas Smith, who produced the book The Winwick Witch and the golden pig, unveiled his latest creation, Tikle the Hoglet.

The festivities were officially declared open by this year’s Winwick Rose Queen, 11 year old Eden Stear who was a pupil at the local St. Lewis school, accompanied by her retinue Lucy and Daisy Hughes and Isabella and Olivia Bradley.

Amongst the many stalls were tombola’s, henna and body glitter, face painting, Zorbs, the ever popular donkey rides and many other exciting attractions. A host of food and drink stalls ensured that the crowd was kept fed and watered with Kenyon’s also setting up a stall offering their own grown local produce. Many charities and worthy causes were also on hand to offer help, advice and to raise much needed funds.

So another hugely successful community event in the Warrington carnival calendar which was professionally set up and presented by the hard working and sometimes underappreciated Winwick Carnival committee members and volunteers.


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