Josh is named national “most enterprising boy”



YEAR 10 pupil Josh Gosney, from Warrington ‘s Sir Thomas Boteler CE High School, has been named as the national Key Stage 4 “Most enterprising boy” at the grand finals of the Ryman’s Enterprise competition.
Josh, who received his award from retail magnate Theo Paphitis at Telford, beat off a challenge from around 200 schools across the UK.
It was hailed as “an outstanding achievement” by his school.
Josh was delighted to have led the Boteler Team Venture, which was the regional final winner in March
He immediately started some serious networking, meeting last year’s BBC Apprentice winner, James White to discuss the team’s proposition – a digital pen that helps check spelling.
James was impressed – and will be taking it up with Lord Sugar to see if there may be potential to develop the proposal further.
Team Venture consisted of Melissa Brown, Emily Bull, Poppy Ditchfield and Josh Gosney
Year 10 pupil Sam Lawrie was nominated for the award of Most Enterprising Key Stage 4 Girl but lost out to a girl from South London.
Team Enterprise, who were third placed in the regional finals in March, consisted of Ellie-May Heywood, Tasnim Jakir, Dan Jones, Sam Lawrie, Lois Smith and Josh Waldron.
Boteler science teacher Phil Antrobus said: “Whilst Boteler’s two teams’ didn’t make it into the top 10 on the day, the standard of their propositions/presentations was up there with the best without a doubt and they should be very proud indeed.
“ The competition, though, was pretty awesome to say the least. Putting it into overall context; some 60,000 students originally entered the competition nationally with the top 800-1000 students participating in the finals, so all were winners effectively.
“All of our students – and staff – had an immensely enjoyable and exciting day and the experience of taking part was invaluable for their overall personal  and academic development.
“All our students demonstrated 100 per cent commitment and enthusiasm throughout each stage of the competition and we are extremely proud of their fantastic achievements.”

Pictured: Boteler’s Team Innovation


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