How to Write an Admission Essay


An admission essay is not the hardest writing assignment you can ever get. But it is definitely the most responsible one.

Believe it or not, but your admission along with an application defines whether you’re going to be accepted to the university of your dreams or not.

The role of an admission essay is bigger than you think it is. The problem of most students is that they consider a college essay to be something that can’t influence the result of the application process. So, they focus on the grades only instead of paying enough attention to their writings. To avoid this mistake too, and to be accepted to your favorite uni, we recommend following a couple of writing tips from the college admission officers and interviewers. So, if you’re interested, keep reading. We have a lot of useful information to share. In case you need more info on this topic, check this website and get an immediate assistance from a team of the professional writers.


Writing Your College Essay

What do the members of the admission committee recommend to those candidates who have never heard of the admission essays before? What specifically should you focus your attention on and what should you definitely avoid in your application? What vocabulary should you use? And what style should you stick to in your writing? Let’s have a look at all of those questions step-by-step.

The only reason why students write their admission essays is to let the college or university to know them better. You have to introduce yourself to your future university community, trying to show that you’re a perfect fit for it. So, what exactly to write about and to avoid in your application writing part?

  1. You have to use professional as well as personal examples, which introduce you to a committee. Feel free to demonstrate you as a personality. Be yourself. Be authentic. Show who you are and what you’re interested in. Describe your passions and interests.
  2. Provide a background story. It is always interesting to read what is behind the student’s desire to apply for a certain program and why exactly he or she has chosen a certain place. But don’t write cliche phrases like «I’ve chosen this university because it is the best place to study in the whole world». Remind yourself when and why you’ve decided you want to apply to this particular place and tell about this in your own writing.
  3. Don’t focus too much attention on your grades and academic achievements. Of course, your grades matter for any institution. But in your essay you want to include only that unique information, which can’t be found in any other part of your application package.
  4. Start writing without limiting yourself to a certain number of words. Just write down everything you would like to tell the admission committee in real life. Then, read and filter it to fit that number of words, which is required by a college.
  5. Use vivid language, providing as many details to your stories as possible. Don’t write in an academic style. We recommend a conversational tone, which you would use while talking to your teacher or the admission officer in real life. In your essay, you want to sound natural, the same way you sound when you’re talking to someone.
  6. Don’t force yourself to write about something only because it seems to be a perfect fit for an application. Choose a topic and a story, which you like most. If you decide to write about your achievements in music only because it sounds impressive, you won’t figure it out in the writing process. So, if you have another interesting option, which describes you better than your achievements in music, do it. Your story should be not only a unique one but also an interesting one. If it is interesting for you, then it will be interesting for a committee too.
  7. Get a feedback on your application. Before you submit your documents, ask someone to review them. It may be your teacher or your parents. Ask someone who will give an honest feedback and a useful recommendation on your writing. Ideally, you should ask someone from the place you’re applying to or at least someone who knows everything about college and applications. For example, it can be a teacher from your school or a professional writer. Or ask your parents to check how impressive and honest your essay seems to be for them. Proofreading and revision is a must, even if you’re a writing guru.

Hopefully, our recommendations will help you to handle your own application essay a little bit better. And the last but not the least, try not to overthink when writing your application. Make it sound as natural and authentic as possible.



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