Celebrations as Titan prisons axed


CAMPAIGNERS at Warrington are celebrating after Justice Secretary Jack Straw abandoned his proposals for 2,500-place Titan Prisons.
Government sources are claiming the super prisons have been axed because they have listened to the concerns of penal reform groups and the objections of residents living near where they would have been built – including Warrington Residents Against the Prison Proposal (WRAPP).
But in fact it seems likely the £1.2 billion cost of the prison building programme was unacceptable to the Treasury in the current economic climate.
Mr Straw is now expected to announce new proposals, involving the same number of prison places but five smaller prisons rather than the three Titan prisons originally suggested. Two of the smaller jails are likely to go ahead soon, with the others delayed indefinitely.
In Warrington, Coun Jo Crotty, Prospective Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Warrington South, claimed the government’s change of heart was a victory for local campaigners.
But she also sounded a note of caution.
She said: “I am pleased that Jack Straw and the Labour Government have finally listened to the thousands of local residents here in Warrington and scrapped their plans for a Titan prison on the Omega Business Park.
“This is a victory for all those who added their voice to our campaign and told Jack Straw a Titan prison in Warrington was totally unacceptable.
“However, we still need to be cautious. The government is still planning a series of five 1,500 inmate prisons to be built throughout the country and they could target Warrington once more.”
David Mowat, Prospective Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Warrington South, said: “We must congratulate the residents who have campaigned against this plan.
“This prison would have blighted a large part of Warrington and would have affected the quality of life for many of the people living here. The Government failed to consult throughout the whole process and, only, now has been forced to see sense, after £1000’s of our money has been spent on consultants, studies and reports. They could have saved the money by coming and talking to the people of Warrington instead.
“WRAPP have done a fantastic job to highlight the consequences of a Titan prison in Warrington.”
Helen Jones, MP for Warrington North, said: “I have always argued that Warrington has already taken its fair share of the prison population and that Omega should be reserved as a site for high-tech, decently paid, jobs.
“I understand that the government will be making an announcement on Monday and I hope that it will be good news for Warrington.”
A spokesman for WRAPP said: “Whilst we are thrilled at the decision to scrap the building of Titan Prisons, we must still remain aware that the Omega site has been discussed as the possible site for a prison for some time now.
“Local residents and WRAPP remain committed to the original vision for Omega, which does not include the building of a prison of any size.
Locally, all three major parties have campaigned against a prison on the Omega site. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg and former Conservative leader Hague both visited the site and pledged their support to WRAPP.
Warrington Borough Council sent a strongly worded protest to the government.
Pictured…Parliamentary rivals Jo Crotty and David Mowat.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. In response to the above comment – Only one party tried to make political gain and that was the Tories. This can be qualified by all members of the WRAPP Group and many more locals. It was local Councillors that started the ball rolling, Cllrs Keith Gleave, Wheeler and Reynolds. Then it was one community the Warrington Community that came together and said NO to TITAN.

    It is the town that will be the custodians of Omega not HMP.

    congratulations to WRAPP and all helpers.

  2. And of course Jo Grotty never said a dickie bird about it and neither did Cleggy or half of the Lib Dem Councillors including David Earl; the Pikeys Pal?

    This was used like an advert for the Lib Dems efforts to get Grotty elected…. what is she going to get her name in the papers for now I wonder?

  3. Well Baz – it’s very simple Jo Crotty was the lead councillor for the motion at full council not one Tory could get off there backsides to speak on the issue so it proves lack of interest in this town from any Tory.

    The Tories talk about telling the truth well the truth is they should take a pill twice a day for life and then they will taste the truth of a person who is pro-active and leads on the issues that impact on this town and it’s local people. Just like the Mersey Gateway – NO TOLLS – who called that in at the Council? Was it a Tory Councillor was it Labour NO it was Jo Crotty and the only true representing party of this Town – THE LIB DEMS.

    Finally Baz, I’m sure you are up to speed on party polictics – So can you tell me after Mr Hagues visit please help me understand WHY HE AND OTHER SENIOR TORIES HAVE FAILED TO SIGN THE EARLY DAY MOTION ON TITAN PRISONS?

    Something else the Lib Dems have taken the lead on. Questions in the Commons and the Lords.

    Keep up your excellent work of representing the views of the town. Well done JO CROTTY.

  4. Why on earth not – the one at Risley causes no problems and the one at Appleton Thorn is an asset to the local community. A brand new 21st century prison at Omega would be a boost for the community and provide an ideal home for all the idiots who get drunk and fight int he town centre.

    Not too far for their families to travel to see them – so helps with the environment as well.

  5. so that6’s two we already have are you saying like the Tory policy that we have them plus another two or three in the Town?

    As for the travel by that statement you don’t understand it’s not locals that are housed there. Home Office guidance is a two hour journey to visit. so lets think – to the East it could mean people from Humberside and South it could mean Coventry a place were Mr Sweet William Hagues comments should be sent.

  6. I know it’s fashionable to criticise politicians – and justified in most cases… But for crying out loud if it wasn’t for Crotty then the campaign against the prison would’ve been much harder. The fact that she changed Lib Dem Party policy to oppose Titan Prisons proves that there was substance behind her efforts.

    Mowat was the one making capital on this issue, swanning into the campaign (with the rest of his party) long after everyone else, once they realised it was a big issue.

    But yeah, full credit to WRAPP in their efforts. It’s good to see there are still members of the community who are postive and pro-active – and not looking for any excuse to moan and say ‘I told you so’.

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