Healthier futures for families


SUMMER is coming to an end and the children will soon be back at school, so Warrington Borough Council thinks this is the perfect time to make some positive changes to improve your family’s health.


Families are being encouraged to make the most of the fresh start presented by the new school year – as a chance to get things back on track and create healthier habits.


Here are a few tips to get you started:


–           Get moving – swap some of your regular car or bus journeys for walking, scooting or cycling. Look out for our Park and Stride schemes or take part in #WalkitWednesday

–           10-minute shake ups – short bursts of activity each day help kids stay healthy. Use Change4Life’s Disney inspired shake ups as a fun way to get kids moving!

–           Healthy lunches – help keep your kids going right though the school day with the tasty ideas in our lunchbox guide

–           Snack swap – change some of your kids’ sugary treats to healthier alternatives and lower the risk of tooth decay


Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, lead member for public health and wellbeing, said: “Entering a new school year is a perfect opportunity to establish healthier habits, such as walking to school, incorporating short bursts of physical activity into the day, eating healthier lunches and making smarter snack choices.


“It’s easy to slip into unhealthier habits during the summer holidays, such as spending too much time in front of the TV or indulging in too many treats so get the new school year off to a healthy start by making some small changes that will really benefit the whole family!”


Cllr Jean Carter, lead member for children’s services, said: “We want of all of our children and young people to be feeling happy, healthy and full of energy as they start their new school year. We know that one of the best ways of achieving healthy bodies and healthy minds is exercise and eating the right things.


“Our schools all place nutrition high on their agendas and I would ask them, along with parents, to support children in ensuring healthy habits are built into their everyday lives.”


Visit for more information and tips on how you can make a healthier start to the school year.


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