Fears over apathy to Orford traffic consultation


ORFORD councillor Mike Hannon is urging residents not be apathetic over a traffic management consultation in the Smith Drive/Withers Avenue area.

Highway chiefs have warned that if residents do not engage with the latest consultation there is no further action the council can take.

Cllr Hannon fears apathy may have set in with many residents following various campaigns to resolve traffic problems which have been ongoing for around 20 years, following a fatality.

“I have been involved throughout this lengthy period of time holding many public meetings, ” he said. “The council introduced an access only area but motorists continue to cut through.

Mike Hannon

“It has always difficult for police and enforcement due to resources.

“It has also been difficult to come to an overall consensus depending on which part of this area you live in.

“But my main fear is there will be apathy to the consultation. Talking to people on the doorstep they have given hope of anything being done. Apathy has well and truly set in.

“I would urge residents to make the most of this opportunity and engage with the consultation so we can come up with a solution.”

Meanwhile Warrington North MP Helen Jones and Orford councillor Morgan Tarr have welcomed the council’s traffic management consultation.

Helen said: “ This is an issue which has been simmering for many years. Traffic problems have been a constant issue and I welcome the council’s latest public consultation on the matter. Hopefully a satisfactory solution will be found. “

Cllr. Morgan Tarr added: “ The consultation lasts until 2 October and I urge everyone in the area to take part so that all views can be heard and a workable solution arrived at.”



About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. We are active residents who, has not had any body knocking on our door and talking to us, neither have any of my neighbours that I am aware of.
    Unless residents are informed as to what is happening and also where and when these consultations are taking place, nothing can be done.
    We have been extremely active in phoning police, writing to council and Cheif Constable about this matter.
    Also no mention of speed that traffic goes at down a 20 mile zone as well as restricted acces
    Time of photo taken 7am well not surprised that residents didn’t speak to him.
    Communication with residents would be extremely beneficial

  2. I can never understand why these roads are access only. I understand there was a fatality but many road have fatalities but are not closed to through traffic. Imagine the chaos if they were. Make it 20 mph like other similar roads.

  3. Hilden Road was also made access only many years ago, for the exact same reason Smith Drive and surrounding roads were, and yet, there is never any sort of public outcry whatsoever, with regards to vehicles continually using it as a short cut, the police have never policed, or shown any interest whatsoever in enforcing the access only in this particular area, this despite the sheer volume of traffic using it, (including I would bet, many residents from Smith drive etc), being far greater and with vehicle speeds being much higher too. Have asked the question “why” many times, to councillors who involve themselves in this issue and indeed the Police, to me met by ignorance/silence on every occasion. In my opinion, if it is of such importance and you don’t want cars using these roads as a short cut, or the police aren’t able to enforce the access only, then block the roads off at one end a-la Marsh Street/Steel Street, to remove the ability to use as a short cut and indeed the need to police, or, remove the access only signs, put a 20mph seed limit, (with cameras if need be, as they are both roads that have experienced fatalities) and introduce proper speed humps, (not the comedy square ones that don’t slow any vehicle down). Either way, by doing this you will be freeing up police resources enabling them to carry out their duties on more needy/important issues.

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