Marissa’s mission to help people with eating disorders


A WARRINGTON woman is on a mission to help people conquer eating disorders.
Marissa Pendlebury, from Westbrook, is working alongside schools, colleges and universities and providing counselling.
She has also written a book and launched a website and a YouTube Channel, all called “Nourishing Route.”
She said: “The book is based on my experience of overcoming anorexia nervosa, and helping individuals to learn to love food, adore their body and become themselves.
“The philosophy of Nourishing Routes is founded on my personal experiences and academic research in nutrition, positive psychology and public health, so that I can help individuals to realise that health and happiness doesn’t just lie in following faddy diets, clean eating plans or rigid fitness regimes.
“I strongly believe that we can find our own unique paths to wellness through learning to live more self compassionately – learning the art of self love and self care – while appreciating that food is more than just nutrition, expressing creativity, making positive social connections, being more mindful, feeling grateful and becoming empowered to live life to the full while acting in line with our authentic values and beliefs.
“I am really passionate about sharing this message with young and old people alike, so at the moment, I am working alongside schools, colleges and universities, as well as aiming to provide counselling/mentoring and workshop opportunities.
“Unfortunately there is not that much support locally for individuals who are suffering from eating disorders or a less than loving relationship with food and body. Hence, I am trying as much as I can to get Nourishing Routes off the ground so that I can spread its important message further.”


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