Opposition growing fast to Peel Hall plan


OPPOSITION to the proposed development of 1200 homes at Peel Hall is growing fast according to Warrington’s former Mayor Geoff Settle.

Geoff , who stood down as a local councillor at the last elections said “Local residents are finding more holes in the outline plan for this important green space. One such resident is Margaret Steen who has campaigned against the development for many years.”

Former Mayor Geoff Settle

Former Mayor Geoff Settle

Margaret said: “The proposed major access point for the site is through Mill Lane playing fields. The fields are owned by the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) who have confirmed to me that the fields have not been offered for sale to Satnam. I highlighted this during a previous application and the HCA have confirmed last week that they are in the process of signing a seven-year lease with Warrington Borough Council who will take over responsibility for the fields.

“The lease needs to be signed by the Council as a matter of urgency and Cllr John Kerr-Brown is finding out when this will take place.”

She says the proposal for the development would have a major impact on the local road network, with hundreds of extra cars travelling through Winwick and Cinnamon Brow to gain access to the M62 and M6 motorways.

Margaret also points to a second major access point to the site through Poplars Avenue, were the proposal is for housing, a primary school and local centre (shops and a pub). Poplars Avenue is already congested and this proposed development will bring a significant increase in the number of car journeys to the area and all surrounding residential streets will be affected. Buried amongst the application is an indication that proposed spine road through the development could be extended directly onto the A49. The local infrastructure cannot cope with this volume of traffic.

She added:“The proposal is to build 1200 new homes, over a 12-year period, but the new proposed primary school won’t be built until the development is in its 9th year. Local primary schools are already oversubscribed. With an estimated 360 new primary school places needed for this development alone the local education authority will not be able to cope with this demand.

In addition, there is no proposal for new medical facilities, local people are already struggling for doctors /clinic appointments, this proposed development would add a further 3,000 residents needing local services.”

Ove the Bank Holiday weekend Councillors and local residents were out distributing leaflets, launching their latest campaign to SAVE PEEL HALL. The leaflet contains information on the various ways residents can object to the proposals.

The closing date for objections is Monday 5th September, and local residents are urged to make it known this development is not wanted.

Oppositiuon can also be made via Warrington Borough Council website, search 2016/28492 you can then leave your comments or sign the online petition at www.WarringtonNorthLabour.com  or write to the Council’s planning department:
Warrington Borough Council Planning Department
New Town House, Buttermarket Street Warrington WA1 2NH

or email [email protected]


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

1 Comment

  1. Those opposing this application might like to consider asking the Secretary of State to “Call-in” the application. The following website provides information: http://planninghelp.cpre.org.uk/planning-explained/planning-applications/call-ins

    Interestingly I didn’t know objectors could ask the SoS to look at a planning application, or that it could be looked at before it had been considered by a local authority/planning inspector, only came across the process very recently when it was being used to oppose an application for a very small grass strip airfield elsewhere in the country, and whilst in that case I don’t expect the SoS to take the matter further…and in the meantime the local authority have approved the application….but have been asked by the SoS to await deliberations until formally putting approval in writing to the applicant, Peel Hall is a far more significant application….albeit as I understand the situation, Government policy is to build many more homes across the country to try and redress the serious shortage.

    Anyway, it is food for thought for the objectors.

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