Home extension plan rejected


PLANNING chiefs have thrown out proposals to extend a detached house at Culcheth.
Members of the borough council’s development management committee visited the house in Mitton Close before reaching their decision.
Objections had been lodged by two neighbours and by Culcheth and Glazebury parish councillor Jacqui Johnson.
Neighbours claimed the extensions would be “dominant and intrusive” and result in a loss of privacy. Cllr Johnson said the massing, roofline and closeness of the rear extension would have an unacceptable impact on neighbours on both sides of the house.
The proposed two storey extensions would have allowed the creation of an enlarged lounge and extended third bedroom at the front and an enlarged lounge/kitchen/dining room and extended second bedroom at the rear.
Officers recommended the scheme be approved, but the committee decided it would have too big an impact on a neighbouring property.


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