Councillors voice anger over village green drainage


FOUR councillors have voiced their anger over the on-going drainage problem on Culcheth’s village green.
Urgent action is needed, according to Culcheth and Glazebury parish councillors Keith and Sue Bland, Ileyne Hutchinson and Val Allen.
They are calling on Warrington Borough Council and United Utilities to get together to sort out a solution.
Cancellation, for the first time in 24 years, of the annual Community Day was the “final straw” they say.
According to the borough council, United Utilities say the main drains in Culcheth would not be able to take the extra water a drainage scheme for the village green would produce.
In addition, there is no money available for such a scheme, the borough says.
But in a statement, the four councillors say: “This reply is just not good enough. There are very few village greens left in Warrington.  They are our heritage and should be protected and maintained by our borough council as well as United Utilities.
“Culcheth needs a solution now. You can be assured that we are totally in support of the parish council’s efforts to resolve this matter.”
Conservative parish councillors from Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft will be holding a coffee morning/surgery in The Village Club, Wigshaw Lane, Culcheth at 11am on Saturday July 23.
All residents are being invited to meet them and discuss any issues of concern.
The councillors will also be setting out their views on the Look of our Villages Campaign, HS2, and the poor drainage on Culcheth Village Green.


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