Valiant effort not quite enough in “feisty” exchange


Latchford Albion 20 Rylands Sharks 24

A CROWD of more than 200 witnessed a valiant effort from Latchford against higher ranked opposition but despite a great effort they could not produce a win.
As expected the opening exchanges were feisty with the referee being kept busy and it was the visitors who opened the scoring when centre Danny Woods crossed with Jack Lewis converting.
Latchford hit straight back and when the ball was spun across the line Dave Levenston cut through the visitors’ defence to score, Lewis Wightman’s conversion levelling the scores.
Albion’s cause was not helped when on 17 minutes prop Liam Kennedy was dismissed for a high tackle, however within five minutes Rylands were also reduced to 12 men with Nick Braide being red carded following a shoulder charge which the ref deemed was to the head of a Latchford player.
On 35 minutes Jack Lewis scored and converted to give the visitors a half time lead of 12-6.
Within five minutes of the restart a solo effort from Tony Doyle converted by Lewis gave Rylands the advantage but Latchford would not lie down and reduced the deficit when wing Stu Simm (pictured) showed great strength to hold off two defenders to cross in the corner. But a second try from Woods, again converted by Lewis, put the visitors 24-10 ahead at the hour stage.
This seemed to galvanise Latchford and Danny Brown took advantage of a gap in the Sharks defence to race through and cross near the posts, Wightman converting. Within two minutes the deficit was reduced further following some great forward play which set the platform for Connor Muir to put a clever kick in which Simm showed great awareness to be the first player to touch down.
Albion laid siege on the Rylands line but could not find a way to break through and it was the visitors who held on to secure the victory.


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