MP questions devolution benefit to Warrington


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones claims that the devolution deal being offered to Warrington offers very little to her constituency.

Plans for devolution from central government to transfer powers to Cheshire were first outlined back in August.

The proposals by Cheshire East, Cheshire West & Chester and Warrington councils were submitted to help drive forward the Northern Powerhouse.

Speaking, after being given recent details of the deal Helen Jones said: “Most of the transport improvements suggested, apart from highway improvements in Birchwood and Woolston benefit the south of the town.

“There is nothing for areas like Padgate, Orford or Fairfield.  Much is to be spent on the Southern Gateway, the Waterfront and ship canal bridges.

“I am also very suspicious of the 26,000 new homes promised by 2040.  Very little of the allocation of housing money is for homes to rent and yet that is the greatest need in Warrington at the moment.

“Moreover, the government defines affordable homes as those charging up to 80% of the market rents,  way beyond the means of many families.

“Once again,  we will end up building homes for commuters with little spent on homes for local people  who want to get on the housing ladder and those who need to rent.  

“These are the government’s priorities,  not the priorities of the people I meet in Warrington.

“The deal that is being offered,  with a mayor elected by Cheshire and Warrington as a whole is not real devolution.  

“Being run from Macclesfield or Chester is not devolution for Warrington.  A real devolution deal would give power to the town,  a community in its own right.”


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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