Girl of seven smashes record in fundraiser

Taylor Lee 1

Taylor in training for the swim

A SEVEN-year-old girl from Warrington has completed 50 widths of a swimming pool to raise money for Claire House Children’s Hospice.

Taylor Lee completed the feat  at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub in just 30 minutes – thought to be a record time for someone her age.

The Callands Primary School pupil has raised £335 so far, smashing through her original target of £300.

Taylor said: “I didn’t think I would be at all nervous, but as the swim drew nearer I started to get butterflies in my tummy. I didn’t want to let all those people down who have sponsored me and I also wanted to stay true to my promise to Claire House.”

The hospice offers care, support and choice to families whose children won’t live to be adults.

The sponsored swim was Taylor’s own idea as she wanted to raise as much money as possible for the cause.

Taylor’s mum Jenn added: “Taylor is a loving daughter who never ceases to amaze me. Seeing her get into the swimming pool made me ooze with pride as she forged ahead with the task in hand stopping just twice to catch her breath.

“The staff at LiveWire have been extremely helpful in organising and providing the facility for Taylor to complete her mission. We’d both like to say a great big thank you for their help and support and also a massive thank you to all those who’ve kindly made donations to such a wonderful cause.”

Anyone who would like to make a donation should visit:


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