LiveWire and Culture Warrington to launch new offer from Bank Park


LEISURE and cultural organisations, LiveWire and Culture Warrington are moving into the town centre next month to take over the management of Bank Park and its new pavilion.

The companies have been asked to manage the facilities on behalf of Warrington Borough Council who invested £1.3 million last year to upgrade the existing pavilion building and provide two all-weather bowling greens.

LiveWire will run a weekly programme of activity from the park which will begin on Tuesday 31 May and run throughout the summer until Sunday 2 October 2016, with more activities on offer during the summer holidays.

The programme will provide a mixture of children’s activities as well as some adult-only and family events.

Culture Warrington will run cultural and heritage events from the pavilion including a monthly craft activity on the first Saturday of every month. 

The wider park will also be used to host a number of events during Warrington Festival later this year including the headline weekend from 16-18 September.

A café will also be run from the pavilion which will be open during events and activities.

Emma Hutchinson, managing director of LiveWire and Culture Warrington, said: “We’re really excited to be taking on the management of Bank Park and its pavilion.

“The facilities are in a fantastic location and provide great opportunities for us to host many more events from the heart of the town.”

 Cllr Tony Higgins, Warrington Borough Council executive board member for culture, leisure and community, said: “Our £1.3 million investment in Bank Park was part of a programme to regenerate our green spaces and bring people back to the town centre.

“We are very proud of the work the council has put in to make this an attractive and useful space and hope that Warrington people of all ages will enjoy the park for many years to come.”


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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