School nurses protect children from ‘flu


SCHOOL nurses at Warrington have been supporting the national childhood vaccination programme by vaccinating 3,068 primary school children in years one and two against flu.
Fifty nine per cent of children, aged five to seven, were vaccinated against the virus by the School Nursing Service, which is run by Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Lisa Williams, 0-19 clinical public health nurse specialist for Bridgewater said:  “Our school nurses and administrative staff have shown a high amount of dedication and hard work over the past few months to keep our local school children free from flu.
“By vaccinating children it not only helps prevent them from catching the virus but it also prevents them from transmitting flu to any relatives who could develop serious complications as a result of flu. This includes anyone who is pregnant, under two years old, elderly or has a long term condition.”
Flu vaccinations are just part of the changing role of the borough’s school nursing service. Every school in Warrington now has a named school nurse who is available to provide health assessments and confidential advice and support to local children and their families on a range of issues from sexual health to drug abuse and bedwetting to chickenpox.
Lisa added: “Our school nurses are highly trained and skilled to deliver routine immunisations,health assessments and advice and support in all primary and secondary schools in the borough. We help children, young people, parents, carers and teachers with a range of health-related issues offering confidential and non-judgemental support, information and
To find the contact details of the local school nurse visit


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