Gas engineers ready to deal with emergencies


NATIONAL Grid are working round-the-clock during the Christmas period – and expect to receive about 63,300 calls to their emergency service number.
While most people are making last minute plans, watching Christmas television, werapping presents, National Grid engineers will be working to make sure  gas supplies are safe over the festive period.
Throughout the year, engineers are on hand day and night to tackle potentially dangerous gas leaks.
But they are urging people to be extra alert to potential gas leaks over the holidays.
It is estimated that around 63,300 calls will be made to the 24 hour National Gas Emergency Service number – 0800 111 999 – over the holiday period.
Last year nearly 4,000 emergency calls were received from the North West region alone.
Here’s an idea of how busy engineers will be while most people are enjoying TV:
*During Doctor Who (1 hour), 179 calls
*Strictly Come Dancing (1 hour 15 minutes), 224 calls
*Downton Abbey (2 hours), 358 calls.
John Duckworth, head of operations in the North West said:  “Our engineers play a vital role at this time of year in making sure homes, shops and business have a safe and reliable gas supply throughout the festive season.
“For us it’s business as usual. Our staff will be ready to answer calls and deal with any gas related problems that might arise on Christmas Day just as they would on any other day of the year.”
The call centre team will be responding to calls of gas escapes and dispatching engineers.
The number to call is: 0800 111 999.


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