Fly-tipper builder must pay £1,000


A BUILDER who illegally dumped waste on the streets of Warrington must pay a fine and costs totalling more than £1,000.
Magistrates at Warrington heard how Michael Cumine, of Hatton Hill Road, Liverpool, was spotted by a member of the public disposing construction waste from his van at Summit Close, Lower Stretton in November last year.
He was fined £345 and ordered to pay legal costs of £890 and avictim surcharge of £35.
After the hearing, brought by Warrington Borough Council, Peter Astley (pictured), assistant director for regulation and public protection, said: “We will do all that we can to bring fly tippers to justice and continue to take action on those who treat our environment with disrespect.
“We won’t hesitate to prosecute offenders when we have the necessary evidence and I urge all residents to report any cases of fly tipping to help stamp out this careless disregard of our town.”
Cllr Judith Guthrie, the council’s lead member for environment and public protection, said: “Fly tipping not only attracts vermin and damages the environment, but it costs council tax payers for it to be removed. It can cause potential pollution and can also be dangerous to wildlife.
“We will do all that we can to clamp down on fly tippers and the result of this case should act as a warning for those who damage our precious environment.”


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