Pantomime cast bring Christmas cheer to Warrington Hospital


THE cast of Parr Hall’s pantomime, Dick Whittington, brought Christmas cheer to patients and staff at Warrington Hospital’s Children’s Ward this week.

The cast, who are taking to Warrington’s most famous stage in January, included Rebecca Draper who takes the lead role as Dick Whittington, Liverpool born Ellie Carroll, who is playing Alice, and David Kustard, who will be returning to his home town to play King Rat. 

Dressed in their glittering costumes they brought magic and laughter to youngsters who are spending time in hospital over Christmas. The cast also presented the ward with a Christmas gift for their play room.

Tony Peers Productions returns to Parr Hall this festive season with Dick Whittington, running from Saturday 2 until Sunday 10 January 2016. 

The rags-to-riches story tells the tale of one man and his cat as they embark on a quest to become Mayor of London, whilst featuring all the traditional pantomime ingredients including; sensational songs, dazzling dance routines, magnificent slapstick comedy and bags of audience participation.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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