Councillor suspended as Mayor leaves meeting in tears


OUTSPOKEN councillor Tom Reynolds  was last night suspended from membership of all committees of Frodsham Town Council following an emotionally-charged meeting  during which Mayor Fran Sutton, who was acting chairman, left in tears and did not return.
Cllr Reynolds was accused of bullying council staff and fellow councillors, of making almost daily visits to the council offices to harass staff and of being a “cyber bully.”
After months of rumour about a culture of bullying at the council, it was the first time councillors had publicly named Cllr Reynolds as the person alleged to be responsible.
Ironically, for the second month in succession, the cameras which record the meeting for  webcasting, failed to function.
Last month, former chairman Mark Warren resigned from the council alleging a “systemic culture of bullying.  This followed the resignation some two months earlier of town clerk Jon Wilde – believed to be for similar reasons.
Cllr Sutton, as Mayor, chaired last night’s meeting, but made it clear she did not wish to become council chairman.
Referring to the resignation of the former chairman, she said she believed he had done his best to protect staff and fellow councillors from bullying by Cllr Reynolds. Numerous complaints had been made about the Castle Park ward councillor by other councillors and staff.
Bullying, she said, and particularly cyber bullying, spread like a cancer. It was unacceptable behaviour and had to stop.
The only sanction the council could take against Cllr Reynolds was to suspend him from all committees and working groups. She proposed this course of action and it was seconded by Cllr Sarah Wakefield.
Later Cllr Sutton left the meeting in tears and Deputy Mayor Cllr Mike Pusey took over the chair.
Cllr Reynolds protested that he himself was a victim of bullying. He had been attacked at the very first meeting he attended after being elected in May, when it was suggested he was to blame for Frodsham Foundation failing in its bid for lottery funding for the Goods Shed project. This was later proved to be incorrect.
At the time he joined the council he believed it was being manipulated by a few councillors. He had helped prevent the council from making some “disastrous decisions” – not least the proposal to sell the Park Lane play area by auction.  He had strong views and he had stood his ground. But he did not like Cllr Sutton being placed in such a difficult position, nor seeing her leave the meeting so upset.
Several councillors admitted having respect for Cllr Reynolds who often made useful contributions to council work. But there were complaints of abusive emails sent at midnight and in the early hours of the morning.
Cllr Caroline Ashton told Cllr Reynolds: “I don’t think you know how to conduct yourself.”
Cllr Alan Oulton said the ongoing situation was bringing the council into disrepute. The chairman and the clerk had resigned and there was a danger other councillors would resign. Something would have to be done, or he could be one of them.
Cllr Frank Pennington, who was himself suspended by the council last year for an unrelated issue, warned against suspending Cllr Reynolds.
“You will make him famous overnight. You will make him a hero,” he said.
Cllr Richard Knowles said there was a danger of the council looking completely ridiculous. Inappropriate behaviour had to stop. But he was opposed to excluding Cllr Reynolds from committees permanently as this would mean his knowledge and experience would be lost
But several members had used the word “resignation” and he did not want to see the council falling apart. It would be a waste of talent.
He proposed that Cllr Reynolds be suspended for one month, with the situation reviewed at the next meeting on January 11. This would allow a “cooling off” period.
The council voted by a majority for a one month suspension, with one vote against and two abstentions.
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