White Ribbon campaign targets domestic abuse


WARRINGTON BOROUGH council launched the Warrington White Ribbon Campaign – to target domestic abuse within the borough.
The  campaign highlighted the current extent of domestic abuse and will call on men, women and young people to take action. It was part of an international effort primarily aimed at men and boys, encouraging them to pledge that they will never commit, condone or remain silent about abuse of women.
The local campaign was organised by the Warrington Domestic Abuse Partnership.
Cllr Pat Wright, the council’s lead member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “Domestic abuse affects one in four women and one in six men at some stage in their lives and it can have harmful effects on their children. We are absolutely committed to tackling this in Warrington and are once again asking men, women and young people
get the message out there by wearing a white ribbon to show that they believe domestic abuse is wrong and will not be tolerated.”
James Howes from Warrington Wolves Charitable Foundation said: “We at Warrington Wolves are all backing the White Ribbon appeal. I think it is fantastic that we are trying to challenge domestic violence within our society.
“Making people aware it goes on via this campaign may go some way to helping the violence to stop.”
Information about Warrington Refuge independent domestic abuse service  is available from 01925 243359 or from the Refuge website www.refuge.org.uk/warrington


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