Residents oppose “bungalow-in-garden” plan


SIXTEEN nearby residents have lodged objections to an outline planning application to build a dormer bungalow in the garden of an existing bungalow at Fearnhead, Warrington.
The application relates to a proposed access and layout for the proposed dwelling in Cinnamon Lane with all detailed matter, including landscaping, reserved for a later application.
But neighbours say the site was designed to be a garden, that additional housing would cause noise, traffic and road safety hazards, would destroy a natural habitat and would amount to unacceptable backland development.
Fears are expressed that the scheme could set a precedent for similar development on Cinnamon Lane and that the whole site could be sold and the existing bungalow demolished to make way for a “mini-estate.”
There is also concern at the possible loss of trees.
Planning officers are recommending the application be approved. They consider the principle of residential development on the site is acceptable and that the plan would add to the stock of bungalows available, helping to cater for a likely strong demand.
They point out that none of the trees on the site are protected so could be removed at any time without the need for permission.


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