£70,000 facelift for Bewsey Meadows


WORK is about to start on a £70,000 scheme to improve and regenerate the Bewsey Meadows area of Warrington.
The improvements will enhance the area and help improve the health and wellbeing of local residents – as well as improving access routes through  for informal and bringing residents closer to nature.
They will include a new path network, access and site boundary fencing, foot bridge improvements, meadow habitat improvement and tree planting. Meadow habitat will be further enhanced by enriching species diversity through supplementary wild flower planting in partnership with local
Borough councillors Kate Hannon, Pat Wright and Steve Parish were joined by Golden Gates Housing Trust chairman and managing director Roy
Smith and Peter Fitzhenry on site to mark the start of the work.
The refurbishment work to the area will see £70,000 worth of investment taking place from partners including the borough council, Golden Gates Housing Trust (GGHT) with substantial funding from WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund. The project which was formally approved by WREN earlier this year is expected to be completed in late October.
Cllr Hannon, the council’s lead member for leisure community and culture,  said: “Access to and use of the meadows by all members of the community will have a positive impact on local young people and families.”
Cllr Wright, lead member for health, wellbeing and adult services, said:
“By helping to make the meadows more accessible to the community, not only will the health and wellbeing of residents be improved, but so will community spirit and cohesion.”
Mr Smith added: “It is fantastic to see work beginning to improve the look and feel of Bewsey Meadows. It sends a clear message that partners in the ‘Delivering Wellbeing in Bewsey and Dallam’ project are committed to improving the lives of residents who live in the area.”
Pictured, left to right, Peter Fitzhenry, managing director, GGHT, Cllr Steve Parish, Angus Lord, WBC, Cllr Kate Hannon, Roy Smith, chairman, GGHT, Chris Ball, neighbourhoods team Cllr Pat Wright, Rita Robertson, WBC.


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