“We’re ahead of the game” says police tsar


John Joyce

POLICE and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer says Cheshire is “ahead of the game” following a Government announcement on greater collaboration between the “blue light” emergency services.
In Parliament yesterday, Home Secretary Theresa May announced the launch of a Government consultation on greater collaboration between the  emergency services.
Mr Dwyer (pictured above) welcomed the move – but was quick to point out that Cheshire is already doing it.
He said: “I welcome the proposed duty for emergency services to
consider collaboration, but I believe we are already ahead of the game in Cheshire.
“John Joyce, chair of the Fire Authority and I are leading a major programme which will see closer joint working in a number of key areas.
“We are currently in discussions about collaboration across a range of back office functions such as human resources, finance, fleet and the estate.
“This will not only enable us to make savings to meet future financial challenges, but will provide improved services to the public by providing opportunities for innovation and greater partnership working.
“This programme will build on the strong links which have already been forged between the emergency services in Cheshire.”
Mr Dwyer said examples of collaboration in Cheshire included:
• Poynton Emergency Services Hub which offers a modern facility for co-location between the three emergency services and has enabled greater partnership working.
• Joint road safety training programmes provided by police and the fire and rescue service.
• The Fire and Rescue Service shares facilities with staff from the North West Ambulance Service at a number of Fire Stations.
• A fleet services partnership has been agreed to enable police technicians to work on the maintenance of ambulances.”
On proposals for Police and Crime Commissioners to take on the role of Fire Authorities, Mr Dwyer said: “I believe that greater collaboration can be achieved without the need for Police and Crime Commissioners to take control of the functions performed by Fire Authorities.
“The key is to build strong and effective working relationships between the emergency services – this is what we are striving for in Cheshire and I am confident this work will greatly benefit the people of Cheshire.
“I would urge Cheshire residents to take part in the consultation as it is important to me that they are involved in decisions being made about the future of the emergency services in Cheshire.”


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