Housing benefit initiative to save council money


A NEW initiative to ensure the right amount of housing benefit is being paid to each claimant is set to save Warrington Borough Council time and money.

The council has joined up with nine other local authorities, including Rochdale, Bolton, Manchester and St Helens, to urge residents receiving housing benefit to report any changes to their income or to their household as soon as possible.

Any change in circumstances may affect the amount of housing benefit residents are entitled to.
If claimants fail to tell the council promptly about any changes to their circumstances they may be overpaid. This could mean a loss of income for the council if they are unable to recover the overpayments, resulting in a negative impact on the community as money lost could have been spent on providing services.

Examples of changes in circumstances could include a changes to residents receiving housing benefit’s income (or changes to income of someone a housing benefit recipient is living with), getting a new job, having a baby, or if another person starts living in their home.

Under the Government’s Fraud and Error Reduction Incentive Scheme, the council will be financially rewarded for helping to reduce housing benefit fraud.

Cllr Russ Bowden (pictured), the council’s lead member for corporate finance, said:  “In times of council budget constraints, getting housing benefit payments correct is essential. It is against the law for people to claim more housing benefit than they are entitled to, so it is really important we are told about any changes to circumstances swiftly, or people may face prosecution.”

To inform the council about changes in circumstances please visit the council’s website www.warrington.gov.uk/changesincircumstances, phone (01925) 443 210, email [email protected] or it can be done in person at Contact Warrington on Horsemarket Street.


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