Fitness fanatics complete wolf crawl challenge


MORE than 71 fitness fanatics across Warrington have come together to celebrate National Fitness Day by taking part in a gruelling three hour ‘wolf crawl’ challenge.

The event, which took place at the Warrington Wolves’ Halliwell Jones Stadium, saw teams ‘bear crawl’ up and down the stadium’s 1250 steps in a relay fashion whilst completing running laps in one section of the stadium.

Members and staff from LiveWire, the TA and Warrington Wolves Foundation competed against each other with a team of LiveWire members winning the prize for the group who completed the most steps.

Kev Forester, Commercial Manager at LiveWire, said: “The challenge was a great success with more than 14 teams taking part achieving a collective target of more than a quarter of a million steps. A big thanks goes to Warrington Wolves Foundation, Warrington Wolves and St Rocco’s who supported the event.”

All sponsorship money raised will be donated to LiveWire’s official charity St Rocco’s.

Local men and women who are signed up to the LiveWire and Warrington Wolves Fit to Tackle weight loss and fitness programme also joined the teams competing as part of their weekly training sessions.

The challenge was part of the sport element of Warrington Festival which aims to showcase, celebrate and promote physical activity.


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.

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