Campaign launched for better broadband


A CAMPAIGN demanding better broadband for residents in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft has been launched.

For months, local people have struggled with poor internet connection and slow speeds.

BT Openreach and Connecting Cheshire have promised that the green cabinets throughout our area will be upgraded so that every household can access fibre broadband — but that hasn’t happened.

It has prompted local councillors Chris Vobe, Matt Smith and Joan Grime to take action.

Cllr Vobe said: “Labour councillors are taking the lead on this important issue. The current situation just isn’t good enough. We want clarity from BT and Connecting Cheshire about when their services will be provided and a formal commitment from them that they will adhere to the dates they fix.

“They’ve managed to provide fibre broadband to remote areas like Kielder Forest Park in Northumberland — so why can’t they do the same in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft? We’re asking as many residents to join with us by adding their name to the petition we have launched.”

The three councillors and MP Helen Jones are to call for a meeting with senior managers at BT to deliver their petition and put pressure on them to deliver a better service.

Parish Councillor JOAN GRIME is supporting residents in Glazebury and Mee Brow who have contacted her about this issue.

She says that she is determined to make sure that Glazebury doesn’t get left behind after the latest figures show that less than 100 properties in the village have access to fibre broadband!

In Hob Hey, residents have been told that the upgrades have been delayed until 31st March next year.

In Croft, local resident Norman Partington is working with Councillors to get additional funding from Connecting Cheshire so that the rural parts of the village don’t miss out.

Norman and local councillors have written to the company, asking that they step in and use part of their government funding to get Croft connected.

Residents who want to add their name to Labour’s petition can do so by visiting or contacting the councillors via [email protected].


About Author

Journalist and sport content specialist, who is also editor of Love Rugby League. Formerly ran the official website of the Carling Cup, as well as operating a digital services business in Warrington.


  1. Read the article in yesterday’s Guardian entitled “BT refuses to connect phone line to house that has BT plugs and sockets” and you will conclude customer service is not one of BT’s nor Openreach’s strong points.

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