Councillors to meet police tsar over new “operating model”


COUNCILLORS representing Culcheth, Birchwood and Rixton are to meet Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer next month to discuss the new “operating model” for policing in the county.
Cllrs Chris Vobe (Culcheth), Russ Bowdon (Birchwood) and Mary Greenslade (Rixton) will meet the Commissioner at Warrington Town Hall on September 3 in the aftermath of a petition signed by more than 1,000 people opposing the new system.
The system requires police officers and PCSOs in outlying areas to start and finish their shifts in Warrington town centre.
Cllr Vobe (pictured above)said: “Commissioner Dwyer has done everything possible to distance himself from his political affiliation, but the facts are inescapable.
“He is a Conservative representative, carrying out a politically-motivated restructuring which will have significant consequences for communities like Culcheth, Birchwood and Rixton.
“Councillors Bowden, Greenslade and I have arranged to meet the Commissioner to put the case on behalf of our residents.
“We are simply unwilling to allow a restructuring like this – which will see our communities lose up to two hours of officer time every day – pass without challenge.”
The three Labour councillors have pledged to update all those residents who have signed the petition against the changes after their discussions.


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