Planning department “one of the best in the country”


DESPITE a reduction in staff levels, Warrington Borough Council’s planning department has managed to sustain good levels of performance in terms of deciding planning applications within statutory timescales.
The performance of the department t is now among the best in the country, according to a report by the council’s executive director of economic growth, regeneration and environment, Andy Farrall (pictured above).
Changes in the council’s constitution have helped – as has the decision to have one planning committee meeting every three weeks, instead of two.
During the first quarter of the year, 100 per cent of major planning applications were decided within agreed timescales, against a target of 90 per cent.
Eighty six per cent of minor applications were dealt with within eight weeks, against a target of 80 per cent and 98 per cent of other applications were decided within eight weeks, against a target of 80 per cent.
This year’s performance on planning appeals is for no more than 25 per cent to be allowed. For the first quarter, 31 per cent were allowed, compared with 33 per cent for the 2014-15 period.
Mr Farrall’s report says while planning application performance has been excellent, and has been for two and-a-half years, it needs to be closely monitored.
Planning authorities can be placed in “special measures” if performance fells to a certain level and the government is currently proposing that this should apply to minor and other applications as well as major applications.
A special measures threshold of 50 per cent of all planning applications being decided on time is being discussed.


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