After Smiley Sid – meet Smart Sid!


SMILEY Sid is a simple fellow – and he does a good job in persuading motorists to slow down.
But he has a smarter twin brother who is even more effective – and the residents of Grappenhall and Thelwall are shortly to be introduced to him.
Parish councillors decided to buy two “Simple Sids” – Speed Indicator Displasys – some time ago.
They are used by volunteers at various locations across Grappenhall and Thelwall to encourage motorists to stay within legal speed limits.
But because they are only “simple” they don’t collect data.
Cllr Mike Biggins, who originally proposed bringing Sid into the twin villages to crack down on speeding motorists, said: “Smart Sid DOES collect data, which means we will know how fast motorists are driving, where they are doing it and at what time of the day or night.
“All this will be useful information to pass on to the police.
“We have been very pleased with the performance of Simple Sid, but we think Smart Sid will be even better.
“He looks just the same as Simple Sid so drivers won’t know which is which.”
The volunteers who work with Sid wear high visibility jackets and receive special training from parish council chairman Cllr Paul Wenlock.
They work in pairs at various locations  including Stockport Road, Thelwall, Thelwall New Road, Grappenhall and the corner of Cliff Lane, Grappenhall – but also in residential roads between Knutsford Road and Chester Road, Grappenhall where residents frequently complain of speeding traffic using their roads as “rat runs.”

Pictured: Cllr Biggin with Smiley Sid



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1 Comment

  1. It’s a great idea and maybe Stockton Heath and Walton Parish Councils could buy a couple too to hopefully deter some of the speeding idiots that drive around their parishes.
    PS Smiley Sid gave me a big ‘smile’ the other week on Thelwall New Road and it made me smile, sort of nice to be grinned at by a road sign 😀

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