Mayor to mark 70th anniversary of VJ Day


MAYOR of Warrington Geoff Settle, will mark the 70th Anniversary of VJ Day tomorrow (Saturday).
At 11.15am Cllr Settle (pictured)will lay a wreath at the Cenotaph at Bridge Foot to remember all those who served in the Armed Forces, and their families and friends, during the war against Japan.
He said: “It will be an honour to lay the wreath on behalf of Warrington residents to mark this important anniversary as we remember all those who made sacrifices both home and abroad for our freedom and to honour those serving in the Armed Forces today.
“I have looked through many personal reflections about the war and concentration camps, illustrating the futility of war that few of my generation have experienced. The war was ended very dramatically and the nuclear consequences chillingly survive to this day.
“I have selected just one reflection that I will be dwelling on this Saturday as well as the memory of all those who suffered wherever in the world they came from.
“Rosalind King writes: ‘I was seven years old that May day. I remember being very anxious for Winston Churchill to declare victory and could not understand what was taking him so long. The buntings were up, and we were to have cakes!
‘After Mr Churchill spoke, I told my father, very earnestly: “Good, now we will no longer have to listen to the news or read the papers.”
“He asked me: ‘Why Rosalind?’ I responded: ‘Because no one will be killed anymore.’”


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