Paul signs up for Sahara Desert challenge


A WARRINGTON man has become the first fundraiser from the North West to enlist on next year’s Caudwell Children Sahara Desert Challenge.
Marketing and communications officer Paul Boden, aged 23, has registered for a personal challenge that will test his mental strength and physical stamina, while raising vital funds for disabled children across the UK.
Paul, who graduated from the University of Central Lancashire with a degree in journalism in 2013, couldn’t resist the lure of the adventure and says that when dawn breaks over the Moroccan city of Ouarzazate, on  February 11 next year he will be fully prepared for the challenge ahead.
Caudwell Children, the national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families, has organised the six day fundraising trek to help the charity deliver specialist equipment, treatments, therapies and short breaks to 770,000 disabled children in the UK.
Paul, originally from Stafford, but now living in Warrington, admits to having some anxieties about the challenge but says that he is determined to complete the arduous trek.
He said: “Whilst I’m worried about walking in the heat of the day, and I’m not looking forward to the bitterly cold evenings, I’ve always wanted to do a once-in-a-lifetime challenge that would stretch me and put me outside my comfort zone. This is definitely that challenge!
“As a fair skinned individual the sun will pose the greatest threat to me. I’m also trying to suppress any thoughts of waking up with snakes or scorpions in my tent!”
Having paid out £175 to register on the event, Paul now has six months to raise the necessary £1,700 fundraising target, though he is determined to exceed that amount.
He said: “I’ll be encouraging friends, family and my local community to sponsor me, but I’ll also be calling on the support of my rugby club to help me organise some fundraising events.
“I’ll also be undertaking a few bag packs and I hope to have a car boot sale to help me push toward the magical total.”
Paul can be supported through his Just Giving page:


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