£16 million neighbourhood hub planned


PLANS for a transformational £16 million state-of-the-art neighbourhood hub at Great Sankey, Warrington will be considered by the council’s planning committee on Wednesday August 5.
The application, submitted by sport and leisure group LiveWire, is seeking approval to develop the hub on the site of the existing Great Sankey Leisure Centre.
jan-souness.jpgIt will transform the existing centre to combine an integrated offer of leisure, health and wellbeing and cultural services delivered by LiveWire, Warrington Borough Council, Culture Warrington, the NHS, Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group and Health Plus.
If planning is approved, construction on the first stage of the development will commence later this year for phase one completion and opening in Autumn next year.
Phase One plans include a 120 unit fitness suite, upgraded swimming pools, a library, café, meeting and conference facilities and a 3G pitch.
Subject to funding, plans for later phases include a sports hall, tennis courts, studios, pharmacy and health and wellbeing facilities including a spa with treatment programmes.
The new facility has been created and designed following a major public consultation in West Warrington.
More than 700 residents participated in extensive consultation exercises and their suggestions have shaped the features and facilities within Hub.
Jan Souness, managing director at LiveWire (pictured) said: “This planning application is the result of much hard work from multi agencies who want to provide the people of West Warrington with an integrated offer for all their fitness, health and cultural needs”.
To find out more information about the development, and to keep up to date with the latest news, visit www.greatsankeyneighbourhoodhub.co.uk


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