Residents’ protest over “mindless vandalism”


RESIDENTS of the Longbarn area of Warrington are calling on the borough council to block off a new footpath because of “mindless vandalism” caused to a concrete fence.
A petition signed by 90 people was presented to the Mayor, Cllr Geoff Settle by members of the Longbarn Residents’ Assocation.
The footpath, near Blackburne Close, was provided after the council decided two years ago, in consultation with residents, to remove a footbridge known locally as “The Pink Bridge” over Woolston Grange Avenue.
The footpath links residential areas to a pedestrian crossing which replaced the bridge.
But repeated attacks by vandals have persuaded residents the path should be blocked off.
Cllr Settle said: “It’s a great shame that mindless idiots take delight in causing a lot of damage to the fence panels. This is at the expense to the ratepayer and, even worse, it is causing a great deal of distress to the people of Blackburne Close.”
The council decided to remove the “Pink Bridge” because it was expected to cost £100,000 in maintenance bills over the next five years.
A lot of work by officers went onto finding a workable solution to its removal and a comprehensive survey was undertaken which indicated that the preferred option was to construct a path from Blackburne Close to the new crossing 100 meters away.
A concrete fence was erected either side of the short section of
path and bushes have been planted to discourage people from climbing
The whole scheme had the support of most local residents – but now the council will have to look at the situation again.


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